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2003-10-22-4:26 p.m.
The human brain is a funny thing. For instance, take what my very own brain created out of a headline I glanced at on msn.com (the real headline was "Sniper Suspect Quits As His Own Attorney"):

"Sniper Accidentally Quits As His Own Attorney"

And I thought, "Hmm. Well, he's obviously a loony -- no big surprise that he ACCIDENTALLY QUIT as HIS OWN FREAKING ATTORNEY."

Now, "accidentally" doesn't look anything like "suspect" -- except that each word has an "e," a "c," and a "t" in it. And it just makes me laugh that my reaction was basically "well, of course he did."


So, marriage is cool. I mean, your parents know you DO IT, which is surreal, but otherwise, it's cool. Ah, the Love. It is good.


And this JournalCon thingy? Want to do it. (Not DO it, as in the above. I think just attending would be fine.)

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